International university in a nutshell

Characterising exoplanets or planets outside our solar system is the focus of Chloe Fisher's PhD. For more, check out this British researcher's life in Bern and her work at the Centre for Space and Habitability.
How sports can foster the social integration of migrant women in Switzerland is the focus of Betty Alemu's PhD. Find out more about this Ethiopian researcher studying at the Institute of Sport Science.
Xi Zhang is a young international researcher at the University of Bern. Learn about this Chinese scientist’s life and work at the Institute of Plant Sciences on bio-control of pests in agriculture.
Everything you wanted to know but was afraid to ask about our international university in animated form. Infographics galore and key facts about international Bern.
Check out the University of Bern's key statistics in colourful shapes and forms.
Everything you wanted to know about our university but were afraid to ask.
The University of Bern's current strategy names five research areas as priorities.