International partnerships

The University of Bern maintains a wide network of international partners from which researchers and students benefit. International collaboration takes place in various ways in both research and teaching. These range from sporadic contact with colleagues, formal collaborations under cooperation and exchange agreements to the operation of joint competence centers, among others.

Light display on a terrace
Building dynamic networks in an international setting (Image: Federico Beccari)

Global connections

UniBE International is engaged in global outreach to build mutually beneficial connections worldwide.

Key relations with external stakeholders at the institutional level are managed directly by UniBE International.

As the University of Bern's main liaison for partners, such as The Guild of European Research-Intensive Universities, other international higher-education bodies, the swissnex network, and Swiss diplomatic representations worldwide, UniBE International plays an active role in ensuring international matters relevant to our institution are given voice and shaping policy in this area.


UniBE International also manages the exchange and mobility of students and staff, both incoming and outgoing.

Its advisory services and events are invaluable to international students, exchange students, lecturers on European teaching exchanges, staff interested in exchanging experiences with European colleagues and students planning an internship in another European country.

Students from the University of Bern interested in attending an institution abroad for one or two semesters are also supported.


UniBE International's content hub,, provides an overview of our university and snapshots of its people and research to selected international audiences in English. They include partner universities, potential incoming students and researchers with an interest in working at the university.