
Stakeholder engagement is at the heart of what we do.
VIDEO: US Ambassador Scott C. Miller's first epic journey to University of Bern was filled with 50+ years of space research and polymechanic apprenticeships during an action-packed day.
EU Ambassador Petros Mavromichalis' first bilateral meeting with the University of Bern's management board focused on Swiss association to Horizon Europe.
Business as usual is no longer an option for new African-European research collaboration.
The Guild’s Vice-Presidents gathered in Bern to discuss key policy issues for the upcoming year and the importance of Swiss association to Horizon Europe.
VIDEO: For students at the University of Bern yearning for a taste of the high life on an international exchange, get inspired by stories from former exchange students Alessia and Pirintha.
Where does a Swiss university go from here when Switzerland is excluded from full participation in Horizon Europe, the EU's research funding programme, wonders Rector Christian Leumann.
WATCH: Silas Klein Cardoso, a Brazilian researcher, arrived in January 2020 as a new postdoc at the University of Bern. Two months later, the country went into shutdown due to Covid-19.
Characterising exoplanets or planets outside our solar system is the focus of Chloe Fisher's PhD. For more, check out this British researcher's life in Bern and her work at the Centre for Space and Habitability.
How sports can foster the social integration of migrant women in Switzerland is the focus of Betty Alemu's PhD. Find out more about this Ethiopian researcher studying at the Institute of Sport Science.
Ece Su Ildiz from Turkey is studying for an MSc in Biomedical Engineering at the University of Bern, an English-taught program offering close contact with medical doctors.
Xi Zhang is a young international researcher at the University of Bern. Learn about this Chinese scientist’s life and work at the Institute of Plant Sciences on bio-control of pests in agriculture.
When José Eguiluz from Mexico came to the University of Bern as an international exchange student to study law, it was love at first sight with Bern, Switzerland's beautiful capital city and UNESCO World Heritage Site.
When researchers from the Middle East and Africa meet at a summer school in Bern, they bond over a mutual interest in parasites and realize that science can cross borders.
Being part of an association of research-intensive peers is turbo-charging the University’s international radius of influence to ultimately bring benefits to researchers.
To promote diversity in higher education, experts from The Guild of European Research-Intensive Universities membership recently met in Bern to kick off a new working group.
While face and hand transplants are rare, research is looking ahead to a time when all transplant patients may not need to have their entire immune system suppressed to avoid transplant rejection, as is the norm.